I'm spending this week at my daughter's and she has a huge bath tub. Tonight I filled it with extremely hot water and lavender scented bubble bath beads. I lit a few candles, grabbed a book and a glass of wine. I soaked until I pruned up. I made a bubble beard like Santa. I made a bubble bikini for myself. I closed my eyes and just relaxed until the water turned cold.
It was heavenly and I recommend bubbles for anyone that needs a little "me" time. If you need to think, do it in a bubble bath. If you need alone time, bubbles. If you need a few childish giggles, go with the bubbles.
Also, the drain is really fast and strong. When I pulled the plug, I put my hand over it and it felt just like a super powerful vacuum. It scared me and made me laugh and jump at the same time. So, I did it again and again.
Now I'm fresh out of the bath, red skinned and smelling like almonds, and still wearing a goofy smile from the giggles.
Try it. :) You'll like it.