I am home from the hospital tonight and now find myself unable to sleep because I'm a little high on medicine and I'm also half waiting and expecting a nurse to come wake me up every hour to check my vitals.
I have had a rough time of it lately. Last Thursday found me bleeding rectally so much that a clean up crew had to be called in and I'm vomiting and passing out. A trip to the hospital left me with gall stones, diverticulitis, the reminder of spots on my lung, uterine fibroids and a nervous state of mind.
The very next day I saw the radiologist and GI doctors. I had a colonoscopy on Tuesday and saw the pulminary doctor on Wednesday. They removed a few polyps and sent them off to the lab. The lung doctor confirmed a bad thing in that the spots are not calcified, but a good thing they have smooth edges. I have to have another scan done in a month to confirm whether they are active or inactive. Overall I was feeling a little better until Thursday when I started having more rectal bleeding and severe pain.
I was sent to the ER Thursday night and the ER doctor attempted to work on my bottom. He was trying to cut open a hemorrhoid. He numbed the area and then started working on it. He shot it with a very thin needle three times and good lord, I thought I was going to pass out. I was shaking and bit my hand so hard to just try not to move. Fortunately he realized it wasn't going to work and stopped after about 5 minutes.
From there I was admitted and scheduled for surgery early Friday morning. I was hurting severely, but immediately was given pain medicine. The surgeon was an hour late due to the surgery he had before. Finally it happened, though. The deeply rooted, very thick bulging hemorrhoid and blood clot were taken care of. Before you know it I was back in my room and higher than a kite on a windy day.
Apparently I sent quite a few text messages during this time. I do remember taking pictures of myself and the hospital room, but don't really recall the text messages. I was enlightened later, though. Some funny stuff. Maybe. I don't think I should quit my day job, but pain medicine can really knock me for a loop.
Thanks to those that received my pictures and texts with humor and understanding.
I finally came home this evening and have been resting as much as possible. Can't go back to work right away and on strick orders for no strenuous activity and no lifting for several weeks. I can handle that.
I'm hoping that I'm on the mend medically. My body has been poked and prodded so much that I have lost my dignity and have become totally shameless in just putting it out there.
I hate needles and can count 10 needle spots on my arms, along with a few bruises, and I'm just not happy about it. I'm anxious to get the polyp results on Wednesday and the next scan for the spots on my lungs. Once that is over, I will be able to relax a bit.
The gall stone issue isn't a real issue right now unless I have upper stomach pain. The diverticulitis is just a matter of some antibiotics and diet changes. I can handle that. It doesn't involve needles.
Right now my bottom is so sore that it is radiating across my ass cheeks and up through my rectum and pelvis area. I can barely walk and it is with a weird limp.
I'm in good spirits. I had great visits from great people as well as a lot of texting to keep me company. I appreciate it and you.
I did have an awkward moment when the nurse taking care of me before my surgery turned out to be one of my son's friends that he went to school with and played ball with. A little weird having him see me and touch me. He seemed fine with it. Then on my last day my CNA was one of my daughter's friends. Thanks hospital stay for making me feel old.
All in all, a marvelous weekend.