Friday, December 24, 2010

Bubble bath

One of my life's greatest pleasures is bubble baths!

I'm spending this week at my daughter's and she has a huge bath tub. Tonight I filled it with extremely hot water and lavender scented bubble bath beads. I lit a few candles, grabbed a book and a glass of wine. I soaked until I pruned up. I made a bubble beard like Santa. I made a bubble bikini for myself. I closed my eyes and just relaxed until the water turned cold.

It was heavenly and I recommend bubbles for anyone that needs a little "me" time. If you need to think, do it in a bubble bath. If you need alone time, bubbles. If you need a few childish giggles, go with the bubbles.

Also, the drain is really fast and strong. When I pulled the plug, I put my hand over it and it felt just like a super powerful vacuum. It scared me and made me laugh and jump at the same time. So, I did it again and again.

Now I'm fresh out of the bath, red skinned and smelling like almonds, and still wearing a goofy smile from the giggles.

Try it. :) You'll like it.

Monday, December 13, 2010

I sat up last night into the wee hours of the morning.  I was finally able to get about three hours of sleep.  My over thinking mind was in full overdrive and I could not get it to settle down.

This holiday season is a tough one for me.  This year has perhaps been one of the worst I have ever had.  I am trying hard to get it all out of my system so that I can start the new year with a positive, pleasant and upbeat bang.

I don't want presents for Christmas.  I don't plan on making a New Year's resolution.  I do plan on doing something about my life.  It is true that only I can make my happiness.  While sometimes it is out of my control, I believe that it is true in the end.

I realize the people who matter most to me and I refuse to let them go for any reason or any one.  I don't have many but a small handful.  I know a lot of people, interact with so many, but these few people that matter are the most awesome. I will be reminding them constantly how incredible they are and continue giving them my support, care and love.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My kids, my family

I grew up imagining the perfect marriage with my knight in shining armor, white picket fence and all the trimmings.  That didn't happen.  I did get married but he was far from a knight in shining armor.  I have two wonderful kids as a result and I wouldn't trade it or exchange it for the world, though.  And that is what this is all about really.

Me, my son and my daughter.  We have always been like the three musketeers.  We've added a few to include his girlfriend and her boyfriend.  There are very rare moments when I wonder if we're as close and then something like tonight happens and I just get thankful and burst with love and pride and joy.

The weather is terrible.  My son was out with his girlfriend and her family for her birthday dinner.  My daughter was at work.  My daughter was texting me to let me know that her boyfriend was coming to get her because he didn't want her driving on the roads.  Almost at the same time my son sends me a text and asks me how his sister is getting home because he does not want her driving on the roads and that he'd get her if necessary.

That's family and love and yes, it reminds me of why my kids are important to me.  People come and go in my life, but my kids are always there and I am always there for them.  We care and love each other and make sure we're all taken care of.

Sometimes we're selfish and sometimes we don't agree, but always we are a family who wants the best for each other and will always have love.

I am thankful.  I sometimes feel like I haven't done a lot in life, so many negative things have happened and it's a blessing to know I have such wonderful, amazing, responsible, happy and loving kids.

Let It Snow. NO!

I love the fall, the cool crisp air, breaking out the sweaters and boots.  But these freezing cold temperatures, ice and snow do nothing for me.  Perhaps as my cold weather corrupter is trying to convince me, if I had a snuggle man and a reason to stay in bed or on the sofa all day it might not be so terrible. I'm still not convinced, but I'm still man-less as well.

I think one reason I have such a hard time with this weather is because I'm terrified of driving on snow and ice.  I have done it and can do it if absolutely necessary, but I get anxious and nervous.  My hands grip the steeling wheel and my eyes are constantly darting around, watching every car and imagining that the next stretch of road is going to be black ice.

So, here I am sitting in the living room and watching the snow flakes drift around in the wind.  The snow fall is heavy for a while and then it all but diminishes only to start up again. I ventured out this morning just to see how cold it is.  Yes, let me confirm it is cold.  I do see glimpses of sunshine, though.  Enough to slip into that bathing suit and take a dip in the pool?  Not quite, unless it is indoors and heated.

I say "Let It Snow - NO!"

All In a Day's Work

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

I had a super bad day today.  I'm fully aware that PMS can leave me depressed and extremely emotional.  Most often lately I am able to control it because I am aware of it.  But today just was not possible.  It hit me like a ton of bricks.  I hate it.  I cried like a big ole' titty baby all day and well into the night.  I spent some time at my daughter's helping her redo her spare bedroom and I'm tearing down wallpaper like a chick high on speed and crying like I just had been kicked by Mr. T himself.  My hormones have been all over the chart today.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

OMG!  PMS.. bite me, you stupid bitch!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Places I want to Go - Sardinia

Here I sit staring out the front door windows in the living room, gazing at the snow covered grass and just feeling the cold as if I were outside on the deck. For as far as I can see there is snow covered land and tall trees in the distance. No neighbors, no houses or buildings of any kind interfering with the serene scenery.

It is cold and I'm covered in a fuzzy Christmas blanket with pictures of Christmas trees and Santa. In the corner is a Christmas tree lit in green, blue, yellow and red lights and gold tinsel. There are candy canes and red ornaments as well and the bottom of the tree is surrounded by wrapped presents flaunting various holiday themes.

The news is blasting the winter forecast that is planning on hitting us this weekend in the form of rain changing to snow last Saturday night with very frigid temperatures. Just this week I broke out my winter jacket. I feel like an Eskimo when I wear it and it definitely keeps me warm. Winter is not my favorite time of the year. I do enjoy a good snow fall, but if I could have my wish I'd have it snow for Christmas just enough to make things pretty and then quickly melt away.

I have been following the news detailing the number of people homeless right now. People are actually sleeping outside in this weather. It is terrible. I do realize sometimes people make their own beds, but there are many who for various reasons have things happen outside of their control. I have never been homeless nor have I been hungry, not truly hungry, so I cannot even imagine it. I have been down and poor and through rough times, but I am very thankful for my family support that I have had to keep me going. I imagine there are many people that do not have family, friends or any other kind of support system in place.

I think tomorrow I might make a few phone calls and find a place to volunteer. The holidays make it more apparent that people need help. It shouldn't take the holidays for me to think of helping others and I am sorry for that, but it is a start that hopefully will be put to good use and continue for a long time to come.

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I want my dad back.

I want my dad back for my mom.

I want my kids to be small again.

I want hungry people to not be hungry.

I want sick people to be healed and healthy.

I want peace for everyone I know and every stranger.

I want homeless people to find warmth and a place to call home.

I want everyone to have just what they need and on a rare occasion something they just want.

I want my best friend back.

I want forever happiness, health and contentment for my kids.

I want my knight in shining armor who rides a monogamous horse.

I want my grey hairs to disappear.

I want the insanity that started two years ago to stop.

I want to see that old man again that sat outside every day for months on my drive to work and suddenly disappeared.

I want Santa to have a safe and warm travel night.

If I can't have any of that, I just don't want anything at all. So feel free to focus on other people and their needs and wants. Enjoy your cookies and milk!
