Sunday, October 24, 2010

I cannot have any more children. With that said, abortions are not for me. I love children far too much. There is a fine line there, though. If the doctor were to tell me that the baby or I would die, then I'd have to consider the abortion. But just to have one to terminate the pregnancy because I decided I didn't want to be pregnant is not something I could do. Note that this is my opinion and what works for me. I'm not against abortions in general. However, this should not be only my decision. The father should have say in things. If a father is liable for child support, then he certainly should have say in whether an abortion is had or not. I don't care if it is the woman's body. If it's the woman's body when she decides to abort, then it can be her body when she decides to keep the child and take care of it herself completely on her own.

Things cannot be both ways. We as humans tend to change things around to fit our needs, desires and moods. We read things and only pick out the few words or sentences that we want to. In doing so, things can be taken in a totally different context. We blow our horns when that car cuts over at the last minute but seem to forget when we do it ourselves because we aren't sure on directions or have our mind elsewhere.

These examples could go on and on. I'm guilty of little things like it myself. I'm not perfect, but I do try to not fall into these traps. Practice what you preach comes to mind right now. So does take the higher road and give as good as you expect to get in return.

We all seem to be in a rush and out for ourselves. Typically rules are in place for good reasons. Sometimes we don't know the reason therefore we might not understand things. We can't just go breaking rules to fit our moods. It's not the right thing to do.

I have seen far too many people complain about this, that or the other and yet two days later they do exactly what they were just complaining about. The world does not revolve solely around one individual.

I think we would all do well and remember this.

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