Monday, August 27, 2012

Saturday with Lamar

I had a wonderful Saturday with Lamar.  I went to his house after work, arriving around 3:00 p.m.
The door wasn't open when I got there and it felt weird.  I rang the door bell and waited.  After several minutes, I knocked a few times and waited about five more minutes before sending him a text.  I am guessing about ten minutes had passed and I didn't know whether to keep knocking, texting, calling, leave or what.  My desire to see him won over and I knocked again. Several minutes later and there he was at the door.  I am not sure why leaving entered my mind.  Probably because most relationships I find myself in tend to end up ending without the man really being a man and saying so.  Does that statement make sense?  I know my thinking gets a little askew at times.  Anyway, like I said, I wanted and needed to see him so I kept knocking.

We decided to go see Ted at the movies.  It turned out to be a funny movie and worth seeing.  I always enjoy sitting in the dark with him.   I can't really even explain that statement.  It is just what it is.  There's something romantic about sitting in the dim movie theater, legs and arms occasionally brushing, holding hands or hands resting on legs.  It is just one of life's little pleasures.

After the movie we went back to his house and hung out.  He had some lunch leftovers and I just relaxed on the couch.  Then it was movie time again.  I got in my comfy clothes and then got in my favorite spot - next to him.   I have become such a movie and television person since meeting him.  I'm antsy and sitting still is hard sometimes for a few reasons, but he has given me one pretty good reason to enjoy it.

At the end of the night it was time for sex.  It isn't like we schedule it in.  We don't call one another and say, "Ok, we can have sex Saturday night at 9:05 p.m."   We just like it, so we do it.  And trust me, it is marvelous.  I really love giving him oral.  My entire body quivers when he gets hard in my mouth and I take him deep.  My legs are always here and there, one minute it is slow and gentle and then the next it is hard and deep.  Every part of our lovemaking is special. I can't pick one act, one moment that stands out the most.  From the moment it starts to the moment it ends, I savor it all.

It is cute and funny because most often he falls asleep afterwards pretty fast.  There we are in the afterglow, gently caressing one another and then I hear him snoring.  I like that spot in his bed next to him, some part of our body touching.  When I wake in the middle of and I am not touching him, it's nice to be able to just shift slightly and find him.

I woke up pretty early and couldn't get back to sleep.  I took a shower and then did some cleaning for him.  I did the dishes and cleaned the bath tub.  I tried to sweep his floors, but wasn't thrilled with the dust broom and really wasn't sure how to clean the wood floors.  Maybe I should check into proper floor care.  I enjoyed the cleaning and had the music playing in the background.... country!  I didn't turn it up to loud so he wouldn't wake up and certainly not to country music.

I was curled on the couch reading a book when I heard him say good morning and saw his naked self walking across the bedroom to the bathroom.  We hung out more, cuddled on the sofa and then took off after noon to Cracker Barrel for lunch.  It was a quiet time.  I noticed that sometimes we talk a lot and other times not so much.  I am okay with that and I hope he is.  I have never been one to think every minute has to be filled with conversation.

We both were full and somewhat tired.  Back at his house he didn't come back out to the living room and I went searching to find him on the bed.  He was ready to relax and rest.  I curled up right behind him and gently started rubbing his back and side.  It was extremely peaceful.

Then it was time to go home.  It is always time to go home.  That moment when I know I should go so I can take care of the things I need to and the desire to stay longer is a tough moment.  But I can handle the tough moments as long as the circle comes back around.  :)

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